Loxton High School


Governing Council

Participation in the Loxton High School Governing Council gives parents and interested community members the opportunity to work with the Principal and school leadership team to influence the broad direction of the school. The members of the Governing Council share a common interest in working together in the best interests of the school and the Loxton community.

Education is a shared enterprise and there is considerable evidence, from both Australia and overseas, that the active engagement of parents and community members enhances the quality of teaching and learning of our young people.

Loxton High School acknowledges that families have a primary role in education of young people and that is it important for families and schools to work together in partnership.

At Loxton High School effective partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect and shared responsibility for the education of young people. Regardless of the social or cultural background of the family, high levels of parental and community involvement strongly correlates with improved student learning, attendance and behaviour.

The Loxton High School Governing Council is comprised a group of enthusiastic parents who strive to provide an effective liaison between the school and the community. It aims to provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between parents, school leaders, staff members and the community.

The Loxton High School Governing Council strives to be effective by:

  • Focussing on improving student learning outcomes
  • Leading School and community conversations about key issues and challenges in education
  • Being actively involved in the development of the Site Improvement Plan
  • Promoting meaningful parent and community participation and actively seeking the views of the school community
  • Having a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities
  • Including members who represent the diverse views of the school community
  • Having a clear and consistent process for decision making
  • Maintaining high ethical standards
  • Having members who have developed mutual trust and respect for one another
  • Communicating with the school community about its activities