Loxton High School



Personal Learning Plan

The Personal Learning Plan is a compulsory SACE Stage 1 subject undertaken as part of the MyMAP Home Group program in Year 10. Students consider their aspirations and research career, training and further study choices to help them map out their future. Students identify goals and plan how to achieve them through school and after finishing the SACE. They understand and develop their capabilities (Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding, Personal and Social, and Critical and Creative Thinking).

Research Project

The Research Project is the only compulsory subject at Stage 2. Loxton High School students complete the Research Project in Year 11.
It is a one semester (or 10 credit) subject which allows every student to explore an area of interest in depth. Students use their creativity and initiative, whilst developing the research and presentation skills they will need in further study or work.


This program is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students only. The SACE Stage 1 and 2 subjects count toward the attainment of the SACE.
Interested students are invited to attend an information session in Term 3 when they will receive a SAASTA application form. SAASTA curriculum is delivered in a structured and highly supported environment which includes the use of mentors, coaches, key teachers and industry experts. The Riverland SAASTA Academy is based at Berri Regional Secondary College and takes place every Thursday during the school year.


VET stands for Vocational Education and Training, and gives students skills for work, particularly in the trades and industry. Students may build pathways in the SACE through VET, and complete, or make significant progress towards completing, VET qualifications whilst completing the SACE.
VET can help students to:
Successfully achieve SACE requirements;
Explore vocational pathways;
Acquire employment specific competencies, qualifications and certificates;
Undertake a Traineeship or School Based Apprenticeship within a broad general education;
Acquire VET units that are recognised nationwide by Universities, TAFE and other Training Providers;
Provide on the job skills sought after by employers;
Develop substantial links with employers.

There are a range of vocational pathways available to students under the VET program. Courses operate on a Thursday throughout the region and a public bus operates on this day in the morning and afternoon. Courses are dependent on adequate student numbers.
Students wishing to study under a Flexible Industry Pathway must demonstrate that they are suitable for a more independent style of learning and agree to follow the Code of Conduct.