Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Following the successful introduction of BYOD to all Year 11 and 12 students the ICT Committee has decided to extend this opportunity to all Year 10 students. It will therefore be an expectation that all Year 10 students in 2021 will also make arrangements to have a device for school use in 2021. Year 9 students in 2022 are strongly recommended to bring their own device – it will be an expectation from 2023 that all Year 9 students do so. Any student is able to bring their own device on completion of relevant paperwork, available from the front office.

The goal of moving to BYOD is to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to develop ICT capabilities and digital literacies. These skills are embedded throughout the Australian Curriculum and are important for success in our modern world.

Over the past few years we have been encouraging students to bring their own devices to school when it became obvious that we, like most other schools (public and private), would not be in the financial position to replace the federal government supplied laptops when they reached ‘end of life’.

Uptake of BYOD has steadily increased with many students valuing the opportunity to have access to a device ‘anytime anyplace’ so that they can access the increasing amount of curriculum that is now delivered by electronic means.
The process includes students and parents/caregivers signing a user agreement indicating that the school’s BYOD Guidelines and Cyber Safety Agreements have been read and understood. Laptops are then left with our IT technician to be connected to the school system.

Devices must have the following minimum requirements

Click here to purchase devices through Edunet

Screen size – at least 10 inches
Windows 10 or later (64 bit)
Internet browser Safari, Chrome or Internet Explorer – updated to 2016 or 2017 versions.
RAM 4GB (memory)
1.5Ghz processor (Higher if using Specialized software – Consult provider if unsure)
– Adobe Creative Suite (8GB RAM, Graphics Card recommended)
– Autodesk Inventor software. (8GB Ram, 3Ghz processor)
– Music software – consult software website.
Wireless for network access.
Disk space recommended minimum 128GB.
Microsoft Office Suite
– School will supply Office 365 login for each student to download Office at home.
– Microsoft Publisher and Access are not compatible with Mac
Antivirus – up to date.
– Will not be supplied by school
Laptop Battery must be capable to last at least 6 hours as charging will not be available at school.