Flexible Industry Pathways are a new way of approaching the delivery of VET in schools, mapping out a student’s journey through secondary school to employment in 26 key growth industries in South Australia.
Developed in consultation with Industry Skills Councils and designed to meet the needs of industry and employers, Flexible Industry Pathways group any number of VET qualifications at Certificate I to III level that a specific industry considers will lead to real jobs for students. Courses will be delivered, assessed and certified by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
Flexible Industry Pathways will include flexible apprenticeship and traineeship options that allow students to complete their SACE while undertaking a near full-time apprenticeship or traineeship in the workplace during their final year of school.
Students who choose to embark on a Flexible Industry Pathway will be required to participate in a VET Readiness Orientation (VETRO) which includes upfront assessment, induction and orientation to VET carried out by an RTO. The VETRO will usually be carried out in year 10 after the student has completed the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and made a decision to commence the Flexible Industry Pathway. The VETRO will determine the student’s readiness and identify a personalised approach to the learning which may include additional training and wraparound supports. The specific arrangements required for the student to complete the Flexible Industry Pathway
will be determined through the VETRO.
Students can gain recognition for up to 150 SACE credits at Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 for successfully completed VET.
For information about VET course available please Click Here to visit the Riverland Secondary School Alliance or alternatively contact SACE/VET coordinator Nadene Gillett for further information.