Middle and Senior School

Middle School

(Year 9 and 10)

Middle & Senior School

Curriculum Handbook 2025

The Middle School curriculum is closely aligned to the Australian Curriculum. The aim is to provide a broad and balanced range of learning experiences. This provides an opportunity for students to develop their interest and passion for pursuing specific subject choices in their senior years. In Year 9 & 10, students have a mix of common curriculum and elective choices. The SACE Stage 1 Personal Learning Plan is undertaken by Year 10 students. It allows them to explore career pathways, seek information on post-secondary education requirements, and select Years 11 and 12 subjects relevant to their chosen pathways.

A real strength of the Middle School program is the development of close-knit learning communities that are created by keeping Home Groups together for their common curriculum.


Student leadership development opportunities are provided through a vibrant and active Student Representative Council with membership from Years 8, 9 and 10.


Loxton High School prides itself on the many and varied extra-curricular activities offered to enhance student learning and personal development. These include, but are not limited to, concert band, instrumental music tuition, musical, choir, subject academic competitions of which public speaking is a highlight, Maths quiz night, knock-out sport, Volleyball and Pedal Prix programs and the Duke of Edinburgh award.

Senior School

(Year 11 to 12)

Middle & Senior School

Curriculum Handbook 2025

Senior School encompasses Years 11 &12 and is overseen by the Assistant Principal, Senior School & Systems and Home Group teachers support each home class.

Year 11 students study six subjects per semester and undertake a minimum of 4 year-long subjects, plus the Research Project, completed in either Year 11 or 12. A full outline of the curriculum is contained in the Curriculum Handbooks.

The Home Group teacher monitors the progress of each student in the home class, provides general school information and focusses on well-being. Senior School subject teachers are skilled in curriculum knowledge and pedagogy and maintain dialogue with Home Group teachers and parents on progress and well-being in their subject. Mid-term Stop-Light data communicates progress in each subject.

At Senior School we recognise the growing independence of our students. Private Study at Year 12 allows students to manage some of their study time during the day and, as many have part-time employment, to balance school and job commitments. Home Study is granted to Year 12 students by the Home Group teacher, in conjunction with parents, for two sessions per week in Terms 2-4, provided the Research Project is satisfactorily completed and the student’s Term 1 report indicates a passing grade in all subjects.

We aim for departing Senior School students to be self-directed, knowledgeable learners, independent, mature adults and to possess the ethics and values for responsible citizenship.