Loxton High School


Global Perspectives

The Global Perspectives learning cluster consists of Year 7 and 8 English and HASS. In this learning cluster, students explore and identify connections between the past and present to become informed active global citizens.  As critical thinkers they investigate alternative perspectives to ideas and issues and contribute their own opinions in an ethical manner. Students use their imagination and communication skills to create texts and solve real world problems.

Subjects taught in Global Perspectives are as follows:


  • English
  • Geography (including Economics & Business)
  • History (including Civics & Citizenship)



(Middle & Senior School Years 9 – 12)

At Loxton High School students study the English Australian Curriculum from Years 7 – 10. The curriculum is built around the three inter-related strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Teaching and learning programs are balanced and integrate all three strands. Together the strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Learning in English builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers revisit and strengthen these as needed.
Students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These include various types of media texts, including newspapers, film and digital texts, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, dramatic performances and multimodal texts, with themes and issues involving levels of abstraction, higher order reasoning and intertextual references. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.
In Years 11 and 12 English students focus on the exploration and development of English skills, strategies, knowledge, and understanding, for a variety of purposes. This is achieved through reading, viewing, writing, composing, listening, speaking, and using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in appropriate ways and for different purposes. Students are encouraged to read, consider, and appreciate a wide range of texts in various forms and media.
In studying Year 11 and 12 English, students develop confidence and competence in using the English language, and in understanding how texts are constructed for particular purposes and audiences.



(Middle & Senior School Years 9 – 12)
At Loxton High School students study the Australian Curriculum for History from years 7-10. The Australian Curriculum: History is organised into two interrelated strands: Historical Knowledge and Understanding and Historical Skills.
These strands include personal, family, local, state, national, regional and world history. There is an emphasis on Australian history in its world history context at Foundation to Year 10 and a focus on world history in the senior secondary years. These strands include a study of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped world history from the time of the earliest human communities to the present day.
This strand explores key concepts for developing historical understanding, such as: evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, significance, perspectives, empathy and contestability. These concepts may be investigated within a particular historical context to facilitate an understanding of the past and to provide a focus for historical inquiries.


The Australian Curriculum in Civics and Citizenship is also incorporated into History.


(Middle & Senior School Years 9 – 12)
At Loxton High School students study the Australian CurriculumGeography from years 7-10 which is organised into two interrelated strands: Geographical Knowledge and Understanding and Geographical Inquiry and Skills.
These strands include a study of environmental and human aspects of Geography at local, national, regional and global scales.

These strands involve students developing the ability to see the relationships between geographical concepts (place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change), to construct explanatory frameworks to illustrate relationships. It is also about applying this geographical knowledge to new situations or to solve problems by thinking and planning for action.

These strands promote a process of inquiry by which students learn new geographical knowledge and deepen their understanding. This is developed through investigations that involve observations or questions (for example, about environmental, social, cultural and economic features) the collection and interpretation of information to develop conclusions; and reflection on the overall process.

There is an emphasis on the techniques that geographers use in the field and in the classroom. Students learn to think critically about the methods used to obtain information and to analyse and interpret the information in order to communicate their findings.

The Australian Curriculum in Economics and Business is also incorporated into Geography.